About the Plan
The City of Archdale is excited to announce the beginning of its Comprehensive Plan process. With the support of elected leadership and city staff, the process will be guided by a commitment to public engagement; emphasizing the City’s strong sense of community and mission to provide a high quality of life for all residents. The development of the plan coincides with the City’s 50th anniversary. This presents a special opportunity to engage residents on all aspects of community life and government, to celebrate past and present accomplishments, and to look towards the future.
One of the key outcomes of the planning process will be a review and consolidation of all of the city's long-range planning documents and policies, along with an evaluation of the progress of the 20/20 Strategic Plan. When it is adopted, the Comprehensive Plan will become the primary policy guide for land use, development, capital investments, and growth management decisions over the next decade and beyond, with clearly stated strategies for development that prioritize key projects for implementation by both the public and private sectors.